For Couples
“We can travel. We can/ go away and come back. We can shake/ each other rattling honest. We can have long/ twining soft voiced phone calls that leave me/ molten and fevered. We can make each other/ laugh, cry, groan till our flesh shines/ phosphorescent, till heat shimmers in the room,/ till we steam with joy and streamers of light/ run down the insides of our eyes./ We can love. We can love. We can/ love.”
~Marge Piercy, “Limited but fertile possibilities are offered by this brochure”
Bridging Distance
The bridge of relationship can be hard to build and even harder to maintain. Many of us yearn for partnership, but our upbringings often don't provide the tools needed to construct healthy connection.
One person's need for closeness might differ in rhythm and style than their partner's. Learned habits of reactivity and helplessness might make relating less joyful and exciting. Often, honest appraisels of desire and intimacy are needed over time.
Whether a relationship is new, or decades old, it can help to find a psychotherapist and map individual histories as they grow together, or apart, in the present.
Reach out here to set up your free consultation today!