For Individuals

"I don't go to therapy to find out if I'm a freak, I go and I find the one and only answer every week... and oh, how I loved everybody else -- when I finally got to talk so much about myself."

-Dar Williams “What Do You Hear In These Sounds?”

I'm. Not An Embarassment

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is time to explore yourself.

Perhaps you notice feeling less joy in life, or find yourself operating with increased reactivity or apathy. Maybe you want to dive deeper into your creative purpose and the meaning of your existence. 

Whatever your experience, individual therapy can be an excellent way to deepen your understanding. A trustful relationship with a psychotherapist can reflect your growing edges, increase your self-awareness, and shift habitual survival responses that no longer help you thrive in this moment.

Reach out here to set up your free consultation. Let's collaborate in centering you!
